Newspeak Dictionary Update

Compliments of J.

Please disregard the directive above. The criminal colonists invading our country and helping to reduce it to a Third World hellhole are now to be called Economic Migrants. The liberal Guardian reports on the fun in northern Mexico that has already begun to spill over the resolutely undefended border:

The body of an official investigating the massacre of 72 Central and South American migrants killed in a ranch in the northeastern Mexican state of Tamaulipas was found today dumped beside a nearby road alongside another unidentified victim, according to local media.

Earlier, two cars exploded outside the studios of the national TV network Televisa in the state capital, Ciudad Victoria. There were no casualties, but the blasts added to a growing sense of fear in the aftermath of the worst single act of violence in the country’s raging drug wars. …

The massacre was discovered after an Ecuadorian migrant, who had been left for dead with a neck wound, escaped. Luis Freddy Lala Pomavilla, 18, found his way to a navy road checkpoint.

He said the migrants had been kidnapped by armed men who identified themselves as belonging to the Zetas, one of the cartels fighting for supremacy in the state. He said the killing began after they refused offers to work for the cartel. …

The massacre has focused attention on the vulnerability of US-bound economic migrants…

Economic Migrants, not Undocumented Democrats. Update your copies of the Newspeak dictionary at once.

Of course we could put an end to this insanity by closing the border. But that would deprive moonbats of an opportunity to weep for the plight of the huddled brown masses.

illegal alien garbage
Economic Migrants leave a distinctive trail.

On a tip from X101ABNDevil. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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