Boehner Vs. Biden On The Value Of Human Life

Our Vice-President is quoted as saying this about China’s forced sterilization and forced abortions which are justified under its monstrous one child policy.

Your policy has been one which I fully understand – I’m not second-guessing – of one child per family. — Joe Biden

John Boehner had this to say about Biden’s comments.

“I’m deeply troubled by the comments reportedly made by the Vice President yesterday regarding China’s reprehensible one-child policy, which has resulted in forced sterilizations and coerced abortions and should not be condoned by any American official. No government on Earth has the authority to place quotas on the value of innocent human life, or to treat life as an economic commodity that can be regulated and taken away on a whim by the state. I hope and trust that the Vice President didn’t actually say what has been reported, and that a correction or clarification from the White House will be forthcoming. The Obama administration should be focusing on jobs for the American people, not encouraging foreign governments to utilize abortion as a means of population and deficit control.”

Joe Biden’s remarks were immoral, beneath the office of the Vice-Presidency, and incompatible with Christianity. All Americans should be ashamed to have Joe Biden as our Vice-President today.

Update #1: After getting called on his reprehensible support for China’s one child policy, Biden appears to be desperately reversing course. Biden’s press secretary, Kendra Barkoff

“The Obama Administration strongly opposes all aspects of China’s coercive birth limitation policies, including forced abortion and sterilization. The Vice President believes such practices are repugnant. He also pointed out, in China, that the policy is, as a practical matter, unsustainable. He was arguing against the One Child Policy to a Chinese audience.”

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