Robert Reich Warns: Beware Americanism on the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is a day to be on the lookout for the scourge “Americanism,” according to the most popular guy at any dwarf-tossing competition, Robert Reich:

Former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration and current University of California Berkeley professor Robert Reich wants Americans to be vigilant this July 4 against “exclusive patriotism” that “asserts a unique and superior ‘Americanism.’” …

Reich claims that “we’re now hearing a strident, exclusive patriotism. It asserts a unique and superior ‘Americanism that’s determined to exclude others beyond our borders.”

Supporting tax cuts and celebrating entrepreneurship are examples of “exclusive patriotism,” according to Reich.

Robert Reich
A horrified Reich attempts to hold Americanism at bay.

On a tip from Stormfax. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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