Former “Hysterical” Obama supporter tells him off and burns her Obama 2008 shirt

by John Hawkins | March 19, 2014 8:00 am

It’s tempting to say, “I told you so,” but I think “better late than never” is a more appropriate sentiment.


“In 2008, I was actually one of your most hysterical supporters…I waited three hours in the rain to Michelle, Stevie Wonder and Oprah campaign on your behalf. ….You bailed out bankers and placed them in your cabinet. …You expanded Bush’s wars and started new ones with drones….You extended the Patriot Act and asserted your right to spy on the American people…You arm Al-Qaeda insurgencies…Mr. Obama, you are the biggest fraud that has ever perpetrated on the American people and it has been a long time since I bought into it, so I think it’s about time to burn your shirt. …I hated you more than I hated George Bush because I felt personally betrayed by all of the lies that you told….

To be perfectly honest, she sounds like she’s read a little too much Noam Chomsky for her own good, but you do have to at least give her credit for calling Obama out on his lies. If other liberals were at least willing to go that far, it would be a better country.

Also see,

12 Unspoken Rules For Being A Liberal[2]

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  2. 12 Unspoken Rules For Being A Liberal:

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