‘Abolition Of Whiteness’ Course Fulfills a Political Science Requirement at College

‘Abolition Of Whiteness’ Course Fulfills a Political Science Requirement at College

You know, I should be shocked and enraged by this class at a public university in New York, but sadly, it’s what I’ve come to expect these days. They are offering a course entitled “Abolition of Whiteness.” I kid you not. Institutionalized racism in our universities is in full swing. Now, the race that is being discriminated against involves Caucasians. This unbelievably fulfills a political science requirement. Right… because we definitely want our aspiring professionals and politicians to be good and proper racists by the time they graduate. SMH.

The course examines “how whiteness – and/or white supremacy and violence – is intertwined with conceptions of gender, race, sexuality, class, body ability, nationality, and age.” Here we go with the gender crap as well again. Yet another excellent reason to either be very, very selective on the college your kids go to, or skip it altogether and teach them to go into business for themselves.

From The Daily Caller:

Students at a public university in New York will have the chance to take a class called the “Abolition of Whiteness” in the fall, all while knocking out a political science requirement.

Jennifer Gaboury, a women and gender studies professor, teaches “Abolition of Whiteness” at Hunter College. “‘POLSC 20474-01: Abolition of Whiteness’” can be taken as either a women and gender studies course, or as a class for the political science department, for which it fulfills a requirement for the ‘4 subfields of political science,’” according to Campus Reform.

The class’s listing on the school’s course catalog provides only a vague description of its content, but a flyer displaying a fall 2016 offering of the course claims it examines “how whiteness – and/or white supremacy and violence – is intertwined with conceptions of gender, race, sexuality, class, body ability, nationality, and age.”

Students obtain 3 credits for taking “Abolition of Whiteness” and 15 out of 25 seats in the course were full when the screenshot was taken, Campus Reform reported Thursday.

In addition to teaching the course, Gaboury serves as assistant director of Hunter College’s Women and Gender Studies Program. So, not surprised. Her work pertains to “masculinities, feminisms, and politics; she is currently working on a project related to race and sex segregation in public bathroom facilities.” May I just say, what the hell is all that happy crappy? I would much prefer they keep race and gender out of their insane justification of bathroom assignments. Biological males use the men’s room… biological females use the women’s room. It’s simple – there are only two genders and race certainly has nothing to do with any of this.

This nutty class is more than half full and will probably fill out the 25 seats it allows. Why anyone would want to listen to this moonbattery for an entire semester is beyond me. You’ll never see an equivalent course entitled the “Abolition of Blackness.” I mean, that would be racist, right? So damned hypocritical I can’t stomach it. Racism is racism and truth be told, the violence aspect of this is more prevalent on the black side because of gangs, drug use and ghettos. But why even go there? This course sounds like a call to abolish the white race to me… genocide anyone? It should not be allowed.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at NoisyRoom.net. She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - trevorloudon.com. She also does research at KeyWiki.org. You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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