Snap! Assault On EPA And Unions Threatens Our Democracy!

by William Teach | March 12, 2011 11:20 am

Happy Saturday! How about some DERP inspired laughter

With EPA & Labor Unions Under Fire, So is US Democracy[1]

Other than in the headline, Treehugger writer Brian Merchant never discusses the labor unions, it’s all about climate change, social justice, climate justice, and other left wing insanity

There’s more to the recent political assault on the EPA[2] than meets the eye — it goes beyond the ‘big government’ rhetoric, and beyond political opportunism (though there’s plenty of that indeed). But the entire debacle reveals something more fundamentally disturbing — a wrench in our democratic process, which allows the interests of the rich to essentially overrule the American public’s right to clean air, clean water, to lead healthy lives. And there are a few seemingly unrelated reasons I’d argue this is happening: skyrocketing income inequality, a scattered green movement, and a decline in political support for working class families.

There is so much moonbattery in that first paragraph that it is hard to know where to begin. Obviously, this is all about those evil Koch Brothers, who are, yes, mentioned in the story. And, of course, what they mean by clean air and water is Carbon Dioxide, a gas that is necessary for most life on earth, and produced primarily by natural forces. Mankind’s works produce about 2%. But, hey, our whole democracy is under assault (which is, of course, a Republic). You have to read the whole thing for the full force 10 nuttery.

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove[3]. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach[4].

  1. With EPA & Labor Unions Under Fire, So is US Democracy:
  2. recent political assault on the EPA:
  3. Pirate’s Cove:
  4. @WilliamTeach:

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