BREAKING NEWS: Robert Spencer Puts On Glazov Gang T-Shirt!

In so doing, Spencer has sent Islamists and leftists into a ferocious fury worldwide and mass demonstrations are now expected to break out. Asked for a comment about his bold move on behalf of freedom, Spencer firmly stated: “I will not be silenced.”


Spencer’s startling move follows the stunning recent development in Los Angeles, where Michael Finch, the Freedom Center’s Chief Operating Officer, also dared to put on a Glazov Gang T-Shirt,captivating mass audiences around the globe.


Glazov Gang T-Shirts are indeed now on the market. Make sure to be the coolest person at every party and order yours HERE.


Now is the moment to help the program that boldly tells the truth about the Left and Islamic Jihad that our media and culture simply won’t dare discuss.

And make sure you haven’t missed our BLOCKBUSTER episode with Robert Spencer himself — in which he discussed Trump Was Right,unveiling how, at last, a presidential candidate is recommending a foreign policy we urgently need.

Don’t miss it:

This is the kind of programming that can’t be found in our mainstream media, and that your support of The Glazov Gang makes possible.

Thank you!

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. He hosts the web TV show The Glazov Gang. You can contact him at

Also see,

Hillary, Bikinis and Islamic Punishment.

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