Chinese Man Attempts Suicide on Wedding Day Because He Was Marrying Ugly Bride

Chinese Man Attempts Suicide on Wedding Day Because He Was Marrying Ugly Bride

Ah, the beauty of arranged marriages. After being pressured by his parents to marry a woman he deemed “unattractive,” he figured the only way out was suicide. Unfortunately, some well-meaning passers-by called the police, who rescued him from himself.

Groom Tries Drowning Himself After Seeing Ugly Bride

From The Daily Mail:

A Chinese groom was so upset at being forced to marry an ugly bride that he tried to commit suicide.

Police officers were called to a lake in the city of Shiyan in the central Hubei province, after receiving reports that a man had been spotted attempting to kill himself by drowning.

According to the People’s Daily Online, the would-be groom was discovered floating face down in the lake but was pulled from the water alive and is expected to make a full recovery.

Describing the moment he discovered the groom, police officer Hou Kunshan said: ‘I saw a man floating in the water face down. We couldn’t see his condition but when I got closer I could see that it was rather serious.’

The police officer immediately dived straight into the water to save the drowning man – not even taking them time to remove his jacket before doing so.

‘I first dragged him towards the wall but as I knew I didn’t have the strength to get him out of the water alone I put him near the wall and waited for the fire brigade to arrive,’ he said.

When the firefighters arrived at the scene they used safety ropes to winch the man to safety.

He was taken to the local hospital for observations and is now expected to make a full recovery.

Something tells me that it wasn’t JUST the bride’s face that prompted the man to make an attempt on his own life.

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