VIDEO: HORRIBLE ‘Knockout Game’ Returns and Goes VIRAL On Facebook

VIDEO: HORRIBLE ‘Knockout Game’ Returns and Goes VIRAL On Facebook

Just when you thought a stupid violent trend was over, the ‘Knockout Game’ returns in New Jersey when a vicious video goes viral because a thug loser crushes the face of an unsuspecting older person. Here’s a good look at what the biggest loser really looks like.

new jersey knock out game LOSER

New Jersey police are investigating a disturbing viral video that shows a boy punching an unsuspecting older man on the street – and trying to find the teens behind it.

The video, which was uploaded on Facebook and has appeared on multiple social media sites, shows a boy who looks to be a teenager walking toward the old man.

A girl can be heard off-screen screams ‘Don’t hit him!’ while another boy behind the camera yells ‘Knock him out, knock him out!’

The thug punk, deviant person approving, and horrendous hoodwink recording this video deserve hard jail time for many years.

Frank Lea

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