Al Franken, the New Senator From ACORN

Before he became our Community Organizer in Chief, Comrade Obama was known to some as “the Senator From ACORN” due to his extremely close ties to that nefarious organization. The dubious title now belongs to an equally dubious Senator, who took office after resorting to vote fraud more blatant than you will find in most banana republics. The lame comedian formerly known as Stuart Smalley probably received help from the same Friends of Obama who have proven themselves so consistently eager to assist in child prostitution, slave trafficking, and tax fraud.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Last year, [ACORN] showered praise on Al Franken, endorsing his run for the U.S. Senate. Franken returned the esteem: “I’m thrilled and honored to receive this endorsement,” he gushed in a press release. He added that he was “more motivated than ever to work with ACORN.” …

ACORN is best-known for its massive voter-registration campaigns, which focus relentlessly on getting Democrats elected in targeted states. Here its record is appalling — and goes to the heart of our democratic electoral system.

In October 2008, ACORN announced triumphantly that it had registered about 1.3 million new voters in 18 battleground states, among them Minnesota. A few weeks later, however, the director of Project Vote — an ACORN affiliate — acknowledged to the New York Times that election officials had rejected about 400,000 of those, for reasons including duplicate registrations, incomplete forms and (in the Times’ words) “fraudulent submissions from low-paid field workers trying to please their supervisors.”

Nothing new here. ACORN’s registration drives “routinely produce fraudulent registrations,” according to a staff report released in July 2009 by the ranking Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The report describes ACORN as “a criminal conspiracy” and details violations ranging from unpaid taxes to a million-dollar embezzlement and cover-up. “To date,” the report says, “nearly 70 ACORN employees have been convicted in 12 states for voter-registration fraud.” …

Here in Minnesota, ACORN has boasted of playing a major role in the 2008 elections. It claims to have registered 43,000 new voters, which it describes as 75 percent of the state’s new registrations. Franken’s margin of victory in the Senate race was razor-thin: 312 votes out of about 3 million cast. And Minnesota’s laws on proof of voter eligibility are notoriously loose. Did ACORN folks pull some fast ones to help get their favorite son Franken elected — a win that handed Democrats the 60-vote, veto-proof majority that they needed to enact their liberal agenda?

Secretary of State Mark Ritchie assures us that Minnesota’s system of voter verification protects electoral integrity.

But here’s an uncomfortable fact: Ritchie himself was endorsed by the now-notorious ACORN and elected with its help.

Now that James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles have managed to push ACORN’s corruption past the liberal establishment media’s blockade, Franken has formally voted to throw ACORN under the bus — knowing that it will reemerge under a different name in plenty of time to help him steal his seat again in 2014.

With ACORN’s help, this passes for a Senator.

Hat tip: The Reaganite Republican. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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