Another Example of Obama’s Radical Leftist Agenda

Over at the American Thinker, Jay Schalin has another example of the radical leftist agenda that Obama is trying to pull over on the American people. This time we see it in the extremist agenda for education that Obama is trying to implement by revitalizing the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI), a panel that Congress shut down in 2008 because it had become “too politicized.”

The NACIQI is charged with advising the Sec. of Education on “matters related to accreditation and to the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher education.” According to the government website the NACIQI will be a reconstituted on Jan. 31 2009.

As Schalin reports, the people that Obama Ed Sec Arne Duncan has appointed to the new NACIQI panel seem to be one extremist after the next. Duncan is attempting to put on this official board racemongers, ACORN activists, and one who is associated with a member of the Black Panthers.

Sadly, it is clear that every one of the six appointees are hardcore racebaiters interested in pushing a leftist race-based agenda on American education. Several of them were involved in the landmark legal case that upheld the University of Michigan law school’s race-based admissions policy (Grutter v. Bollinger), one was a member of the Clinton Administration and involved in cases of “racial discrimination,” one belongs to a radical Hispanic activist group the LULAC, and another is involved with black power groups. Go on over to Jay Schalin’s piece and see all the details of the history of these six appointees.

In any case, what is clear here is that Obama and Duncan are trying to place some extreme racists on this board in order to push its recommendations toward support of a hard-left, racebaiting agenda.

This from the same Arne Duncan that was touted by Obama as some savior of the Chicago Public Schools when the truth is that his record is far less amazing. In fact, a recent Washington Post piece reported that, “gains on state test scores were inflated when Illinois relaxed passing standards and that too many students still drop out of high school or graduate unprepared for college.”

There are also questions about financial improprieties Duncan was involved in where the City of Chicago was billed thousands of dollars for a “free” program administered by a Carol Spizzirri with whom Duncan was working with.

Let’s hope that this issue is revealed to as wide an audience as possible.

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