Coakley Puts Down Red Sox Fans

Attention Red Sox Nation — You could help spare America from an Obamunist nitwit who put you down:

Coakley bristles at the suggestion that, with so little time left, in an election with such high stakes, she is being too passive.

“As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park? In the cold? Shaking hands?” she fires back, in an apparent reference to a Brown online video of him doing just that.

Scott Brown makes time to shake hands outside Fenway, but not Martha Coakley. She’s been too busy sipping champagne with her fellow socialists far away in Washington, where her campaign aide Michael Meehan kept hostile reporters at bay by knocking them to the ground.

Even a Yankees fan knows that anyone who insults the Red Sox in Massachusetts is too dumb to hold public office. Make your contribution to Scott Brown now.

Send a message to Martha Coakley.

Hat tips: Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion, Wizbang. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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