Left Decries Palin’s Stalker… Or Not

Last month a stalker of Sarah Palin was discovered only 50 miles from her home in Alaska. He has been talking about “tracking her down” at book signings, falsely claimed he’s had a sexual relationship with her, and has sent the Palin’s receipts of gun purchases. So, now I am waiting for the leftists that immediately began to blame the shooting on Gabrielle Giffords on “violent right-wing rhetoric” to point to the violent left-wing rhetoric that would cause a teenager to buy guns (and send the receipt to Palin), send threatening emails, make threatening phone calls, call himself Palin’s “magic enemy,” and ultimately set out to threaten her at her home, until caught by the FBI.

Like Verum Serum I’m waiting for that sincere national dialog from the left. Waaaaaiting….

Naturally, we have to turn to foreign press to hear the story as the US press didn’t make much noise about the stalker Shawn Christy, 19, from Pennsylvania.

Christy had spent months emailing Palin’s offices with vague threats as well as calling them on the phone. It got to the point where Palin and Palin family friend friend Kristan Cole took out a restraining order against Shawn “your magic enemy” Christy. The Palin’s were alarmed early in February when Christy took a flight to Anchorage, Alaska for an odd 30-hour visit.

Christy said he is fighting Palin’s order of protection, which said in part:

‘Petitioner and counsel allege that the respondent has made numerous implied threats in his telephonic and written communication including references to his guns, telling petitioner that she better watch her back and saying that he is buying a one way ticket to Alaska and sending the receipt for purchase of the guns,’ were claims in the court document.

Mrs Palin testified that Christy was delusional in his statements that he has had direct communication or contact with her or her daughter.

‘Petitioner also testified that respondent has falsely claimed to have had a sexual relationship with petitioner,’ the filing included.

He sounds dangerous, doesn’t he? He sounds like a nut, doesn’t he?

So where is the left proclaiming that the reason for his unhinged behavior is violent left-wing rhetoric? Where is your “New Tone” now?

Here is Palin’s parents talking about the threats…

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