Stupak: Dems Told Me Funding Abortion Is Good, Because Kids Are Costly

by Lori Ziganto | March 12, 2010 10:00 pm

Bart Stupak just had a revelation. And it’s a disturbing one.[1]

Sitting in an airport, on his way home to Michigan, Rep. Bart Stupak, a pro-life Democrat, is chagrined. “They’re ignoring me,” he says, in a phone interview with National Review Online. “That’s their strategy now. The House Democratic leaders think they have the votes to pass the Senate’s health-care bill without us. At this point, there is no doubt that they’ve been able to peel off one or two of my twelve. And even if they don’t have the votes, it’s been made clear to us that they won’t insert our language on the abortion issue.”

What are Democratic leaders saying? “If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing,” Stupak says. “Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue – come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we’re talking about.”

If Obamacare passes, Stupak says, it could signal the end of any meaningful role for pro-life Democrats within their own party. “It would be very, very hard for someone who is a right-to-life Democrat to run for office,” he says. “I won’t leave the party. I’m more comfortable here and still believe in a role within it for the right-to-life cause, but this bill will make being a pro-life Democrat much more difficult. They don’t even want to debate this issue. We’ll probably have to wait until the Republicans take back the majority to fix this.

We knew this. For all their talk of pro-choice, the far left is actually pro-abortion. It’s about an agenda to them, not about life. And remember, not too long ago Senator Feinstein said it was “morally correct[2]” to fund abortion. This just exposes the face underneath the mask a bit more. Now, it isn’t just about funding abortion, but using it as a cost-saving tool. Bart Stupak is realizing that now – in a moment of division with his party, he had some clarity. He is a Democrat insider and he sees this chilling reality in his own Caucus.[3]

They said Death Panels were ridiculous and a thing thought up by evil Republicans to scare people. Yet, they seek to institute Death Panels for the unborn. As a way to save money.

Stupak asked “Is this how we value life in America?” Sadly, to the pro-abortion Democrats, yes, it is. That’s one of the horrifying consequences of their pro-abortion agenda: Once life is devalued in any form, all life is devalued.

Stupak says it probably can’t be fixed until the Republicans take back the majority. I say, we can’t wait for that nor can we take a chance. This bill must die. Now.

(Originally Posted at RedState[4])

  1. it’s a disturbing one.:
  2. Senator Feinstein said it was “morally correct:
  3. in his own Caucus.:
  4. at RedState:

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