UVA College Democrats Accidentally Blast Awkward E-Mail

by Matt Vespa | September 25, 2012 10:04 pm


Justin Higgins at JHPolitics: has obtained a rather awkward email[2]: detailing a meeting of the University of Virginia’s College Democrats chapter. : In the email, we reportedly had a woman named Carmen who went nuts, a bad turnout at their phone bank, and a bad turnout canvasing. As Higgins noted, their plan to remedy their unenthused cohorts is to conscript “hotties” from their respective sororities. The first lesson of E-Mail 101 is to be mindful of who is on the recipient list.

UDems Exec Agenda::  Sunday, September 22, 2012; 9:00pm; Outside Newcomb Board Room

I.: : : : : : : : : : : : : :  Highs/ Lows of the Week

II.: : : : : : : : : : : :  Old Business

A.: : :  Meeting

a.: : : :  Somewhat competitive

b.: : : :  Carmen sounded crazy

B.: : :  Phonebank

a.: : : :  Bad turnout

C.: : :  Canvass

a.: : : :  Low turnout

b.: : : :  Some non-boardies didn’t show up

III.: : : : : : : : : :  : Current Business

A.: : :  This week’s meeting

a.: : : :  Professor Sanders-State Senator Mark Herring, Peter doing GOTV training

b.: : : :  Dean Grimes-education policy 10/3

B.: : :  Publicity

a.: : : :  PMs will do it

C.: : :  Phone Bank

a.: : : :  OFA one in the corner office

b.: : : :  Come after 5 PM

D.: :  Canvass

a.: : : :  Switch, make this local

b.: : : :  Meet by student health

E.: : :  Program Managers

a.: : : :  Happening tonight

F.: : :  Lynchburg Trip

a.: : : :  Charlottesville canvas

b.: : : :  Do an OFA one

G.: :  Sorority Forum

a.: : : :  Preve is gonna talk

b.: : : :  Send ur hotties

H.: :  Debate Thing

a.: : : :  We can do it!

b.: : : :  But it’s fall break — BUMMER BRAH

c.: : : :  It would be better as a forum and not a debate

I.: : : : :  White House Updates

a.: : : :  Need to remind people they need 10 hours

J.: : : :  FIFE event

a.: : : :  Reach out for October 24th: meeting with Denise Walsh

K.: :  Toscano Town Hall

a.: : : :  Thursday 6:30-9 PM, we need to be there from 5:20-7

b.: : : :  With Toscano and Deeds

L.: : :  Election Night Watch Party

a.: : : :  Trinity was all into it

b.: : : :  They are fine with people under 21

c.: : : :  Just waiting to hear about the best one!

M.:  Morven Farms Debate Screening

a.: : : :  Getting reps from UDems and CRs and be involved in the discussion

b.: : : :  ALich will be there, send out stuff to the listserve

c.: : : :  Date is 10/16

N.: :  Reserve Rooms

a.: : : :  Board at 9 PM every week

b.: : : :  Get Clark 108!

  1. [Image]: https://rightwingnews1.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Screen-Shot-2012-09-25-at-12.31.05-AM.png
  2. : has obtained a rather awkward email: http://jhpolitics.com/2012/09/college-dems-misfire-e-mail-at-university-of-virginia/

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/democrats/uva-college-democrats-accidentally-blast-awkward-e-mail/