Trump’s Tweet Trounces Transgender Traitor, But WikiLeaks Has Something to Say

Trump’s Tweet Trounces Transgender Traitor, But WikiLeaks Has Something to Say

Barack Obama sent shock waves throughout the nation when he gave convicted Bradley Manning — who now calls himself Chelsea — a commutation. Manning was supposed to serve 35 years in prison, but instead, will be released in just a few short months. And Manning had one strange way of showing his thanks.

bradley manning

Manning responded to learning that Obama commuted his sentence by slamming the former president. Manning described Obama as a weak leader, “with few permanent accomplishments” to his name. “The one simple lesson to draw from President Obama’s legacy: do not start off with a compromise,” he said to The Guardian. “They won’t meet you in the middle. Instead, what we need is an unapologetic progressive leader.”

He also criticized Obama for his response to the Orlando terrorist attack at Pulse nightclub, which mostly catered to a gay clientele. “In the aftermath of the deadly shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando that took the lives of nearly 50 queer and brown people, it took Obama over 300 words of his speech to acknowledge the queer community, and even then, as an abstract acronym,” Manning complained.

Obama found himself an unlikely defender though: President Donald Trump.

Obama is, indeed, a weak leader, but for Manning to publicly criticize him after Obama commuted his sentence is the height of ingratitude.

WikiLeaks, meanwhile, in turn criticized Trump for his reaction.

Of course, WikiLeaks directly benefited from Manning’s treason. So it isn’t like their opinion is unbiased — they’re always going to defend Manning, even if what he did was utterly despicable and put countless American lives at risk.

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