Which Ill. Candidates Have Signed Taxpayer Protection Pledge?

With the Illinois primary coming up in only a few short days (Feb. 2, Groundhog’s Day) Americans for Tax Reform (atr.org) has a post up today reminding us all just which Illinois candidates have signed ATR’s no tax pledge.

It’s called the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and you can see the pledge HERE.

Happily, almost every Illinois Republican for the open federal offices have signed the pledge. But, I have to say that at least two of them I don’t believe is serious with the signing. Beth Coulson, the extremely liberal, tax-raising Republican in the Illinois 10th has signed the pledge. She is seeking to replace Mark Kirk who also signed the pledge. NEITHER of these pledges ring truthful to me because both Kirk and Coulson are big government supporters.

Still, click on over to the list and see if your candidate has signed the pledge.

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