Here We Go! Norway Builds Wall To Keep Out Migrants…

Here We Go! Norway Builds Wall To Keep Out Migrants…

Evidently, there is sanity among the Norwegians. They are building a wall/fence to keep out illegal immigrants streaming over from Russia. The Russkies wouldn’t stop it, so Norway has taken the matter into their own hands. They are building a 660 foot long fence on their Arctic border with Russia – it is 11 feet tall. Looks like they value their culture, women and children. No rape games in Norway… so sorry. I hear Europe is up for it though.

Norway is not part of the European Union, so they aren’t bound by their stupid, suicidal rules. They have told the Islamists to pound sand. You are not welcome here and who can blame them? See how easy it was for them to build a barricade that secured their border and sovereignty? But after decades of arguing over our southern border, passing laws to build a wall and actually paying for it, we still sit here letting millions come in bringing terrorists and monsters with them. SMH.


From Louder with Crowder:

For the past year, Norway has been trying to cut down on refugees. Well, one does. It seems that Russia has been pawning off its share of Syrian migrants by sending them all over the border. That didn’t jive well with Norwegians. National security and whatnot. But did Russia listen to their complaints? No, silly. They’re Russia. So Norway’s solution? Build a wall.

Norway is building a steel fence at its arctic border with Russia after an influx of thousands of refugees last year. Last year, Russia and Norway battled to repeatedly reject the same refugees. Norway said it would begin sending refugees who have Russian residency permits back to Russia, arguing it had received no “satisfactory” explanation from Russia as to why it sent so many refugees…

The new fence, which will be around 660 feet long and 11 feet high, will stretch from the Skorskog border point. Construction of the fence is due to finish before winter frosts set in, making it harder to enter Norway through the forest.

Last year, Russia and Norway battled to repeatedly reject the same refugees. Russia didn’t want them and kept sending them through the woods and over the border to Norway. Norway certainly doesn’t want these thugs. Norway said it would begin sending refugees who have Russian residency permits back to Russia, arguing it had received no “satisfactory” explanation from Russia as to why it sent so many refugees to Norway rather than Finland.

Refugees used bicycles to cross the Arctic border, because Russian border police do not allow on-foot crossings and it is illegal to cross the Norwegian border if the driver does not have the correct papers. I’m sure there were plenty that just slipped through the woods as well.

If you don’t have an enforceable border, you don’t have a country. If the Norwegians get it, why doesn’t the US? Or maybe the real reason is it is too profitable and is part of a bigger political agenda.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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