Mayor Bloomberg Pushes Solar Energy

Ignoring economic plight, New York’s moonbat mayor continues to shove his subjects toward green dystopia:

The city will phase out the use of polluting heavy oils to heat buildings and will begin building solar power plants on capped landfills, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Thursday in his first update to a 4-year-old environmental plan that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by 2030.

Solar power plants require three things: massive government subsidies, lots of space, and lots of sun. New York is one for three. Bloomberg says that the city

will explore public-private partnerships [i.e., taxpayer-subsidized crony capitalist boondoggles] for renewable energy projects such as building solar power plants on top of larger areas of the city’s capped landfills. If built large enough, the structures to be placed at Staten Island’s former Fresh Kills Landfill and two other sites could produce up to 50 megawatts at full capacity, [Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Cas] Holloway said. One megawatt is enough electricity to serve 800 to 1,000 homes.

The population of New York City is well over 8 million.

If you’re part of the unfortunate half of the population that pays federal taxes, you are financing Bloomberg’s green gestures:

The city also plans to use $37 million in federal stimulus funds to start a loan program to help property owners pay for energy-efficiency upgrades.

If that doesn’t adjust world temperatures to the polar bears’ liking, maybe this will do the trick:

In addition, the revised plan includes new initiatives to open farmer’s markets at local community gardens and to give tax abatements to people growing food on city roofs.

Unsurprisingly, the pointy-headed leftist authoritarians at Columbia University are delighted with NYC’s Mayor for Life:

The final measure is especially important in a densely populated city where trash often has been trucked away with a sizable carbon cost, said Steven Cohen, a sustainability management professor at Columbia University, who spoke glowingly of the city’s progress on environmental issues over the last four years.

“It’s been a landmark for New York City,” Cohen said of the plan. “It really demonstrates the mayor’s understanding that the environment is not a frill but an essential part of the economic development of the city.”

When double-talking moonbats bleat that enviropiousness is “an essential part of economic development,” you know this idiocy is exacting a high price economically.

Coming next: subsidies for pixie dust.

On a tip from Wiggins. Cross-posted at Moonbattery.

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