Man’s 3-Year Secret Exposed When Witnesses See What He’s Hiding At Walmart… [VIDEO]

Man’s 3-Year Secret Exposed When Witnesses See What He’s Hiding At Walmart… [VIDEO]

If this isn’t inspirational, I don’t know what is. Pat Brocco lost hundreds of pounds walking to Walmart. Whenever he wanted a meal, he would walk a mile to Walmart and a mile back to eat it. I imagine he also cut out sweets and sugar pretty much from his diet. The transformation is incredible. I am thrilled for him… that is such an accomplishment.

He weighed in at 605 pounds. His doctor warned him that his weight and blood pressure could cost him his life, so he went home, took a picture in front of the mirror and did something about it. That takes discipline and determination. He said he did it not just for himself, but for his son.


From 13 News Now:

(ABC NEWS) — An Arizona man who threw out all his food and committed himself to walking to the local Walmart and back every time he wanted a meal has lost more than 300 pounds.

Pasquale “Pat” Brocco, 31, began to change his life three years ago when he was warned by his doctor that his weight of 605 pounds and his high blood pressure and high cholesterol put his life in serious danger.

Brocco went home from that appointment and took a photo of himself in front of a mirror.

“My stomach was down to my thighs. My chest was hanging down here,” he told ABC News, pointing to his stomach. “I was disgusted.”

The Avondale man decided that every time he was hungry, he would walk the 1 mile to his closest Walmart, then back home to eat his meal. In less than two years, he said, he lost 200 pounds.

“You walk to Walmart three times a day, and you end up walking 6 miles,” he said. “It’s amazing because I never walked 6 miles in my life, and I was doing it every day.”

Brocco put foods like vegetables, meats, sweet potatoes, quinoa and steel-cut oatmeal into his diet and took out the foods he learned over time were hampering his efforts.

Now, he uses a treadmill and weights and looks like a completely different person. He had to have the excess skin removed as well. He lost 300 pounds in three years. That’s phenomenal. His diet and habits have changed radically.

That’s what it takes. It’s simply a matter of burning more calories than you consume. Just awesome.


Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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