Scary: Alzheimer’s can be transmitted from one person to another, new evidence suggests

Scary: Alzheimer’s can be transmitted from one person to another, new evidence suggests

Imagine going to Bingo and meeting the older mate of your dreams, then getting Alzheimer’s from them. It’s OK, because you wouldn’t remember anyway. And while the headline may seem like Alzheimer’s is contagious, it’s not what you think.


Scientists have found a link between patients who received nerve-tissue grafts several decades ago and the presence of a protein in the brain that is normally seen in the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

I used to know someone with Alzheimer’s and they really didn’t know who anyone was. Every time I saw them, they always asked “who are you” and “how are you doing?” The good thing is that they were still a great person, even if they forgot me!

Frank Lea

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