Hillary Clinton Started Barking Like a Dog During a Campaign Rally

Hillary Clinton Started Barking Like a Dog During a Campaign Rally

Perhaps the stress of campaigning is beginning to get to Hillary Clinton. How else can you explain her bizarre decision to bark like a dog during a campaign rally?


Clinton, while discussing her disbelief at the idea that Republicans would like to repeal Wall Street legislation known as Dodd-Frank because “they say the great recession was caused by too much regulation on Wall Street,” said she was reminded of a radio ad that ran in Arkansas during one of Bill Clinton’s races.

“One of my favorite, favorite political ads of all time was a radio ad in rural Arkansas where the announcer said, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if somebody running for office said something we could have an immediate reaction to whether it was true or not? Well, we have trained this dog and the dog, if it is not true, he is going to bark,’” Clinton recalled. “And the dog was barking on the radio, and so you know people were barking at each other for days after that.”

Clinton said she wants to do that to the Republicans.

“We need to get that dog and follow them around and every time they say these things, like, ‘Oh, the great recession was caused by too much regulation’ — arf, arf, arf, arf!” Clinton barked.

What on earth could she possibly have been thinking?! This has done nothing except cause even the liberal mainstream media to run headlines that make her look absolutely insane.

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