Border Patrol Agent: Feds are Releasing Murderers Into the US

Border Patrol Agent: Feds are Releasing Murderers Into the US

Liberals have grasped onto this idea of helpless Central American children who need a home, and are using it to attack conservatives. The reality, however, is that many of these “children” are teenage gang members who have committed murder, and they’re being released to do what they like in the United States — like make sure that MS-13 continues to be the fastest growing gang in the country.


A Border Patrol agent claims that the federal government is allowing murderers from Central America to be released into the U.S.

Speaking to Fox News on Wednesday, agent Chris Cabrera stated that these teenage gang members crossing the border are being released to family members in the U.S.
“If they have family in the United States, they’ll release them to the family, even if they’re admitted gang members,” Cabrera explained to Fox News. “We’ve had a couple that had admitted to murders in their home country. They were 17 years old, 16 years old, and the United States government thought it fit to release them to their parents here in the United States.

“Even if he’s a confirmed gang member, a confirmed criminal even by self-admission, we for some reason don’t send them back to their home country, we release them into our country.”

… “They found a loophole with the unaccompanied women and children,” Cabrera told Fox News. “We don’t have anywhere to house these women and children and if the child has no family back in his home country, or claims he has no family back in his home country, we have to release him to a parent who is here.”

Cabrera added that morale among border agents is at an all-time low.

“Our agents aren’t allowed to do the job they were hired to do,” Cabrera told Fox News. “We’re walking more and more people out the door … they’re catch-and-release that have family units. The criminal aliens that are coming in, some of these young gang member kids that are coming in, and there’s no criminal history in the United States, we’re releasing them out the door and more and more it gets frustrating.”

It truly must be a frustrating time to be a border patrol agent, knowing that you have to look the other way and allow violent criminals to go free, rather than send them back where they belong. It’s also disturbing, knowing just how little the safety of Americans matters to the liberals orchestrating this border fiasco.

Also see: 20 Basic Truths You Can’t Talk About in America Anymore

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