Christian University Wins In Court Against Obamacare

Christian University Wins In Court Against Obamacare

The Health and Human Services contraception mandate has sent shockwaves through the religious community, who are grappling with not violating their religious beliefs or facing financial ruin. Thankfully, one Christian university has just won their case, keeping their religion freedom in tact.


In a carefully reasoned opinion, the court ruled that the Health and Human Services Mandate, which would have forced CCU to include drugs like Plan B (the “morning after” pill) and ella (the “week after” pill) in its health care plan, infringes the University’s freedom of religion. The court noted that “[i]f CCU refused to provide health insurance coverage for its employees,” or “did not include the coverages required by the Mandate, CCU would be subject to significant — if not ruinous — financial penalties.” The court then concluded that this pressure on CCU to violate its religious beliefs violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

As to why offering employees and students contraception would violate their religious freedom, CCU explained it best:

Specifically, CCU challenges the requirement that the group health plans for employees of CCU and for CCU students or, in the alternative, another entity, provide cover age for drugs, devices, procedures, or related education and counseling that may destroy human life after fertilization of the egg of a mother and either before or after the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus of its mother. CCU contends that any participation by them in the implementation of this required coverage imposes a substantial burden on the exercise of its religious beliefs and violates its rights under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) 3.

It is an evil thing to do, forcing a company to choose between religious freedom and being fined millions of dollars. But then, evil works are what define the Obama administration — it’s a good thing that, for once, they lost.

Also see: Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen To Good People?

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