ACLU Tweets A Picture Of Toddler With U.S. Flag, Then Apologizes For It Because ‘White Supremacy’

This is just ludicrous. The ACLU put out a tweet marketing their new clothing line. In it was a little white toddler holding an American flag. This triggered racists and social justice warriors on Twitter and then the ACLU was quick to back down. This is the same organization that is now saying they won’t defend free speech if it involves someone with a gun. Civil liberties my ass. More like communist liberties.

The ACLU admitted their message could be construed as ‘white supremacist’. Which part? The little white child? I thought we were supposed to be color blind. Isn’t discriminating against a white child just as bad as discriminating against one of color? Or is it the flag that they take issue with? Are you telling me the whole nation is racist? Well, CNN certainly thinks it is.


From Breitbart:

The American Civil Liberties Union’s Twitter account triggered a digital uproar among followers Wednesday for promoting its child clothing line with an admitted “white supremacy” message.

The troublesome tweet contained the image of a white toddler holding an American flag and stuffed animal wearing a onesie with the ACLU logo.

Shortly thereafter, verified Twitter users shared their displeasure with the message, accusing the left-wing organization of pining for a future with more patriotic white children.

Shortly after the original message, the ACLU clarified its stance–admitting that blowback was justified and served as a reminder that “white supremacy is everywhere.”

The ACLU was already standing on thin ice around the establishment and fringes of the left in the aftermath of the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. The group received immense criticism from supporters and donors alike for their representing Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler against the City of Charlottesville in securing proper permits to assemble downtown, according to CNBC. Virginia Governor and possible 2020 presidential hopeful Terry McAuliffe placed blame for the violence squarely on the shoulders of the ACLU.

The ACLU claims to not support Nazis, but they did support their free speech. I don’t support them either… I despise them, but they have a constitutional right to speak, just as Antifa and Black Lives Matter do. The ACLU has become a joke. They are now becoming selective on who they support the rights of. It’s speech we despise that needs the most protection. And all of their support is dictated by communists.

White supremacy is NOT everywhere. This is a move be communists and black nationalists (who are uber racist) to demonize white people. They wish they could get rid of all of them and by making stupid, moronic statements like the ACLU just did, they support that daydream of white genocide. I’ve had it with this crap. CNN just ran with a piece entitled: “‘White Supremacists by default’: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible.” They are branding all of middle America, the common man, as millions of racists. America doesn’t need to apologize for white people, we need to apologize for tolerating communists, radicals and leftists who want to destroy this nation.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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