Cruz on Super Tues: If you don’t win enough delegates to move the needle, you need to DROP OUT

by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | March 1, 2016 1:54 pm

Ted Cruz had a heart to heart with Glenn Beck[1] on delegate counts and dropping out of the race. He said that whoever doesn’t move the needle after Super Tuesday on delegates should drop out and let the party coalesce around a candidate. I would agree with that, but if Ted Cruz is the one who has to bow out, then many of us are faced with a hellish choice. I will not vote for Marco Rubio. He would finish us off with Amnesty. And I won’t stand idly by and watch Hillary Clinton sweep into office and destroy us as well. That means that I will have to probably vote for Trump. Each of us will have to make that determination. Do I want to do it? Nope. Will I have to? We’ll see.

Ted Cruz[2]

From The RightScoop:

Ted Cruz agreed with Glenn Beck today that any candidate not winning enough Super Tuesday delegates to move the needle on winning the primary should drop out. And that means him as well:

I would agree with that. Unfortunately if Cruz were to drop out because he didn’t win that many delegates, I’m not sure what I’d do at this point.

My husband and I have talked long and hard about this. We know the fate of the Republic hangs in the balance here. If it comes down to Rubio or Trump… we know the devil we’ll get with Marco. I sense Trump will not be what people think he will be, but I’d rather roll the dice there than commit suicide. We must not allow Hillary Clinton to win the presidency. We will not survive another four years of blatant Marxism. If you love your country and you want anything at all left for your children and grandchildren, then do what your conscience dictates and not the Cult of Personality that is being fed to us by the media. I think Cruz will take Texas handily… whether Rubio will do the right thing and drop out remains to be seen. I expect him to go the brokered convention route with the good ole’ boys of the GOP. Today will start to tell the tale.

  1. Ted Cruz had a heart to heart with Glenn Beck:
  2. [Image]:

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