Total Chaos Broke Out At Trump Rally In Chicago – So He Did THIS!

Total Chaos Broke Out At Trump Rally In Chicago – So He Did THIS!

Donald Trump was supposed to hold a rally last night in Chicago. It didn’t quite go according to plan. Thousands of protesters showed up. Many had tickets to get in. Trump cancelled the event at the last minute… at first it was claimed that the police had advised him to, but now it is being said that Trump made the call. He told his supporters to disperse and go in peace. That didn’t happen either. Some of Trump’s supporters literally got into fist fights with the protesters. It wasn’t pretty. At least one cop was hurt and had blood flowing down his face. I may not agree with Trump, but he should have a right to speak. If I were him I wouldn’t let thugs silence me. They abridged the rights of Trump and all that wanted to hear him speak. If they go all brown shirt and get away with this, imagine what polling day will be like.

Donald Trump

From Young Conservatives:

Donald Trump canceled his Chicago campaign event Friday amid safety concerns as hundreds of protesters clashed with supporters at the event, which was held on the campus of University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion.

Owens was outside of the arena, standing in a line about a half-mile long, when the cancelation was announced. He was able to walk into the venue, where he observed scuffles occurring between Trump supporters and opponents

George Soros funded last night’s festivities. Bill Ayers was organizing it along with Code Pink. CPUSA and Black Lives Matter were in the thick of it. Every radical, communist, Islamic hate group there is was there last night and this is just the beginning. This is what I predicted… the American Spring. It would not surprise me if these riots follow Trump now from city to city. I wrote some months ago how the likes of Black Lives Matter were planning mass riots and upheaval this summer. This may be the beginning of it. Trump just cancelled his Cincinnati venue. He’ll do a different location in Ohio and with good reason… his security is at risk.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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