Glenn Beck Says He’ll Drop Cruz “Like a Hot Potato” If Sex Allegations are True

Glenn Beck Says He’ll Drop Cruz “Like a Hot Potato” If Sex Allegations are True

With all the furor surrounding the idea of Ted Cruz cheating on his wife, you’d think that it was a proven accusation, not tabloid trash printed in a crappy paper that people would never rely upon for news. Still, Glenn Beck, one of Cruz’s biggest supporters, has said that he would drop him like a “hot potato” if the allegations turned out to be true.


From Gateway Pundit:

Glenn Beck weighed in on the Ted Cruz sex scandal on his Monday radio show.

Beck said he’ll drop Ted Cruz “like a hot potato” if the sex scandal allegations turn out to be true.

Beck added, “I’m having this really hard time with five women that he’s backing into bathroom and broom closets at campaign rallies.”

Of course, no one cares that Donald Trump is a serial philanderer, because he can behave as badly as he wants and it’s A-OK. All this frenzy over an article published in a “newspaper” that also runs stories about alien abductions and celebrities dying 15 times? Please.

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