Footage of Trump from 1980 Is Going VIRAL – When You See It, You’ll Know Why

by Just An American | December 28, 2015 1:56 pm

WOW! This video was filmed in 1980, and in this interview with Trump[1], his foresight…is on point! It also becomes apparent how Trump loves America…then and now.

Screenshot 2015-12-28 at 11.49.47 AM[2]

Donald Trump hasn’t always wanted to run for president, but this 1980 clip shows he’s had the same attitudes about the country for quite some time.

The New York Times reported that Trump’s appearance was a part of NBC’s “‘Rona Barrett Looks at Today’s Super Rich,’ in which the small but formidable gossip reporter confronts six self-made millionaires.”

Trump didn’t shy away from the idea of a candidate running on “unpopular” views:

“Somebody with strong views, and somebody with the kind of views that are maybe a little bit unpopular, which may be right but may be unpopular, wouldn’t necessarily have a chance of getting elected than somebody with no great brain but a big smile.”

There is no mistaking Trump’s sincerity in this video. My favorite part of this video…

“somebody with no great brain but a big smile” ….


  1. interview with Trump:
  2. [Image]:
  3. [Image]:

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