Johnny Depp Stars in X-Rated Marilyn Manson Video, Orgy Scene [WATCH]

Johnny Depp Stars in X-Rated Marilyn Manson Video, Orgy Scene [WATCH]

Apparently Johnny Depp really wants to break out of his Captain Jack Sparrow, Disney phase. We’ve seen this with a multitude of Disney starts such as Demi Levato, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, all of whom eagerly ditched their good-kid personas to seek a sexier, more fitting image following their stint at Disney.

While Depp is an adult and has starred in a laundry list of films, none of them have been as… shall we say, risque? In fact, this is a WHOLE lot more Johnny than I was willing to see.

Now we’re going to post the video here for you morbidly interested folks, but know that it is absolutely not safe to be watched around children, colleagues, those with weak constitutions, etc. While it doesn’t actually show everything, it shows enough.

It’s gonna be hard to unsee this, or see Depp in his roles in films like Alice in Wonderland or Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ever again. Seriously, I do not advise watching this if you enjoy your innocent memories of Depp.

So, what we have here is a Marilyn Manson music video, which of course is going to be controversial because that’s how Manson keeps his skin looking so youthful and firm. He thrives on it.

There is no mistaking Depp for anyone else. It is very clearly him and not merely an actor who looks like him. You can see the tattoo of his daughter’s name on his chest as he takes off his shirt. (Not a bad sight, if I might add, but he’s not my type.)

The action starts around 3:30, though the song itself isn’t all that terrible if you’re into this kind of music. Manson happens to have a special place in my heart. I went through a pretty heavy teen angst phase.

Anyway, there is implied sex, butts, two women, Depp and not nearly enough eye bleach in the world for someone like me who grew up with his significantly more innocent roles.

Watch the video below:

Alrighty, who needs a drink after that? I certainly do. Is it Friday yet?

Is Depp hard up for acting work in Hollywood and settled for a part is a Marilyn Manson video, or did he actually jump at this opportunity as a way to break into a different kind of work? I’m so confused by everything that’s happening right now and I need a cup of tea.

If you’ll excuse me.

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