Mother Is TICKED! Teen Vogue Teaches Children How To Have ‘Anal Intercourse’ [VIDEO]

by Tiffiny Ruegner | July 24, 2017 3:21 pm


Graphic Content Warning

The Christian Post[2] is bringing us a story about a recent Teen Vogue article that promotes, normalizes and encourages anal sex. Now adults are one thing, but Teen Vogue is aimed at an audience of 11 to 17 year-olds.

Eleven year-olds. They’re writing articles about how cool anal sex is… for 11 year-olds.

A July 7 article in Teen Vogue featured a “What You Need to Know” advice column about anal sex from writer Gigi Engle. The article offers advice to young girls about “how to do it the RIGHT way”; gives detailed instructions regarding the use of lube, condoms, and butt plugs; and purports the sexual act to be an enjoyable activity that everyone seems to be doing.

The Post continues:

“This is porn culture completely normalized and mainstreamed,” said Dawn Hawkins, senior vice president and executive director of the National Center of Sexual Exploitation in Washington, D.C., in a Monday interview with The Christian Post.

“And we have to remember that [Teen Vogue] is not writing to adults,” she reiterated.

Those prudish Christians! How dare they not want to introduce their 11 year-olds to the joys of anal sex. And no, I’m not making fun, there’s an article on Patheos posted on a blog titled “The Friendly Atheist[3]” laughing at some hysterical Christian mom who thinks that this article is the opposite of a good idea.

Because how dare a magazine educate her children?! She tries very hard to keep them in a bubble, thank you very much, and this article attempts to teach teenagers who might be having sex how to do it safely and without hurting themselves. That’s blasphemy! Everyone knows painful sex is a warning from God.

As for the article itself, we can’t stress this enough — the following words in Teen Vogue were written for 11-17 year-olds.

Asking for anal can be a bit daunting, no matter who you are. Have a one-on-one with your partner and let them know that this is something you want to try. Be honest about your feelings about it. In a healthy relationship, you should be able to discuss anything openly. Everyone wants to have a good experience. If they are into it, go ahead and get started.

When you do have anal sex, go slowly. Regular communication with your partner will keep things level. If something hurts, say so and stop. Take a breather. Be sure to relax as much as possible. If you tense up, it will make things much more difficult and therefore less fun.

No different from what you’d get in Girl Guides, right?

If you want to torture yourself with the whole thing, you can read it all here[4].

If you want to give yourself a reason to shut off the computer, you can watch this gem: