Professor Who Sent Porn To Students Is Mad They Forwarded Her Porn

Remember the law Professor who got fired for forwarding porn to her students? Well, she took to the Washington Post Op-Ed page to claim she’s the victim in all this…


With not a hint of irony, McElroy’s 1,054-word op-ed in one of America’s major national newspapers claims that “there was nothing newsworthy about” her porn email. She also casts many, many people — but not herself — in a negative light for the incident.

“[N]o one questioned the dignity of those who forwarded the unintended post,” McElroy complains. “No one asked why, if they found it so offensive, students opened the link, with its unmistakable Web address, and watched the video long enough to know what it contained.”

I give her points for style and trying.  Other than that, lol.

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