Secret Service Agent Tells the World She Wouldn’t Take Bullet for Trump & Now It’s Backfiring

Secret Service Agent Tells the World She Wouldn’t Take Bullet for Trump & Now It’s Backfiring

The Secret Service is there to protect the President from any crazies that might want to do him harm. They are tasked with the stressful job of keeping our leaders safe day in and day out. It’s what they signed up for.

With that being said, I’m a little confused as to why Kerry O’Grady, Special Agent in charge of the USSS Denver district, said she would not take a bullet for President Trump. I scanned the job description of the Secret Service, but I didn’t see where it said you can decide to not do your job if you don’t like the politics of an official.

I’m sure it was just a typing error, though.


According to The Washington Examiner, the Secret Service is now looking into a social media post made by O’Grady, which appears to violate the Hatch Act, a law that prevents some government employees from supporting one political party over another. (You can see why that would be important here.)


“As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median. To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides.

But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.”

Shortly after posting, the message was deleted. O’Grady told The Examiner that she wouldn’t actually refuse to take a bullet for the President.

“It was an internal struggle for me but as soon as I put it up, I thought it was not the sentiment that I needed to share because I care very deeply about the mission,” she said.

O’Grady repeatedly stressed that she would in no way shirk her duties to protect the president because of her opposition to Trump’s candidacy and support for Clinton.

“No, not at all. I firmly believe in this job. I’m proud to do it and we serve the office of the president,” she said.

It should be noted that the article also states that this woman has shared many other anti-Trump posts.

Should she be fired for what she said, or should she be reprimanded for her thoughtless and emotional reaction, but allowed to keep her job?

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