Watch What Happened As Soon as Hillary Got Out of This Van… [VIDEO]

Watch What Happened As Soon as Hillary Got Out of This Van… [VIDEO]

It would appear that the stress of this election, as well as the continued stress of covering up her numerous illegal activities, is finally catching up to Hillary. Looking absolutely beat, she struggles to get out of her van, nearly falling before walking away looking extremely tired.

Is this a good reason to speculate about her health?

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From GOP The Daily Dose:

Poor Hillary.

She looks whipped.

Video was posted on imgur today showing Hillary Clinton trying to get out of van.

She nearly falls on the way out.

And look who is there to help her… The mysterious handler.

Via Mike Cernovich:

This comes after it has been suggested that Hillary Clinton might be suffering with a brain injury of some sort and/or Parkinson’s Disease.

Is it reasonable to believe that she is too ill to serve as President of the United States if she has a brain injury?

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