Wounded Marine Holds Salute for 3 Long Hours to Honor Veterans

Wounded Marine Holds Salute for 3 Long Hours to Honor Veterans

Every Memorial Day one US Marine salutes the veterans who roll by on motorcycles for nearly three hours. Holding a salute for this length of time is impressive enough, but when it became apparent that the Marine was also a wounded warrior suffering from a broken wrist, his act of dedication to our veterans became almost unimaginable.

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But Memorial day in 2011 was a bit different from the rest. With a broken wrist and sweltering heat this Marine pushed through the pain and stood in salute for 3 straight hours.

Some of the bikers returned the salute. Others stayed in the area to fetch the Marine water and look after his health. The simple salute, being held for three long hours in sweltering heat with a broken wrist, is just one small example of the dedication our men and women in uniform have for each other. This lone Marine is an example of the best our nation has to offer, as he reminds us of the dedication all veterans have to our freedom.

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