Black Liberal Leader Says MSNBC Using “Racial McCarthyism” To Silence Mainstream Black Voices Who Won’t Use the Race Card

It’s a good sign with even liberals are getting tired of hearing the repeated accusations of racism. : Too bad it’s only because it’s being used to silence other liberals:

Michael Meyers, executive director of the: New York Civil Rights Coalition, told The Daily Caller that Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC engage in racial McCarthyism to silence mainstream black voices.

“I’m an African-American, and I’m a liberal,” said Meyers, longtime former member of the ACLU’s Board of Directors and onetime aide to legendary NAACP executive director Roy Wilkins.: ”I shook when I watched that segment where they were calling out the African-American grandchild of Mitt Romney. I was really appalled.”

MSNBC host Harris-Perry: apologized Saturday: for a segment in which she and her guests mocked the adopted black grandson of Mitt Romney and said that Romney having a black grandchild was indicative of the Republican Party, which finds token black people for photo ops.

“I’m shocked that [MSNBC president] Phil Griffin is condoning it. I’m a little surprised it’s coming from Melissa Harris-Perry because she ought to know better.: They focus entirely on race and calling racism where it doesn’t exist, and it’s time for the liberal community to call them out,”: Meyers said.

“It’s ideology. I believe that Melissa Harris-Perry and Michael Eric Dyson and Toure and these folks who are supposed to be the representatives, the so-called voice of the African-American community, are a strident errant voice. It is so ideological and so radical and I’m surprised that it’s becoming mainstreamed on MSNBC. There are responsible African-American voices but you never see them on MSNBC and you barely see them on CNN.”

You see them on Fox though. : But you can’t trust anything there, right?

Hat Tip: : Weasel Zippers

See also: : HORRIBLE: Mother Raped Her 3 Children For Money While Adults Watched

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