Democrat Politician in Atlanta Campaigned To Raise The Minimum Wage While Paying The Homeless Less Than Minimum Wage To Work For Her Campaign

Democrat Politician in Atlanta Campaigned To Raise The Minimum Wage While Paying The Homeless Less Than Minimum Wage To Work For Her Campaign

The term elitism is sometimes used to denote situations in which an in-group grants themselves extra privileges at the expense of others. Democrat candidate, Cleta Winslows elitist ideals made her believe it was ‘okay’ to hire homeless people well below the minimum wage while she was campaigning on raising the minimum wage because she’s a part of the elite group of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do-elites or Democrats for short.

homeless getting paid on campaign

In typical hypocrisy, the councilwoman was, of course, pushing to raise the mimimum wage…Via WSBTV:

ATLANTA – A Channel 2 Action News and Atlanta Journal-Constitution investigation found homeless workers paid with City of Atlanta tax dollars, and records show they were paid below minimum wage.

The workers say they spent time cleaning up the district of Atlanta Councilwoman Cleta Winslow while she was running for re-election last year.

“She said, ‘Once I give you this shirt you’ll be part of my campaign and you’ll be working for me,’” Samantha DeLoach told Channel 2 investigative reporter Jodie Fleischer.

DeLoach has been homeless for three years. She says she and a group of friends worked for Winslow cleaning up parts of her district and handing out campaign fliers.

Not only was she paying these people $5 per hour which is less than Winslow believes businesses should be allowed to pay their own employees but she was using City funds to pay for them to hand out her campaign flyers. Pretty hard for any candidate to win against someone who has access to city funds for their campaign. Absolute corruption corrupts absolutely is how you define a Democrat.


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