Democrats Are Bad For The Economy

Near the end of his latest column (which I’d highly recommend that you read), Larry Kudlow notes the following,

“Modern Democrats love jobs but can’t stand the businesses that create them. They also claim to want prosperity, but don’t want anyone to get rich should prosperity come about.”

That brings a pertinent question to mind. Aside from ladling out pork to local businesses, what policies do the Democrats support that actually help the economy or create jobs?

Strangling businesses with red tape and higher taxes unquestionably increases expenses for businesses, harms the economy, and costs jobs. Protectionism saves jobs in some industries, but almost inevitably leads to larger job loss in other fields. Unions makes businesses much less competitive on the global market. Environmental extremists & out of control trial lawyers, both backed to the hilt by Democrats, have caused large increases in the cost of doing businesses. Also, you have to consider that the Democrats obsession with punishing successful people via the tax code has led to a decrease in investment and has decreased the motivation of some of America’s highest achievers.

So again I have to ask; what policies do the Democrats support that actually help the economy or create jobs?

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