Excerpt Of The Day: Proof That The American People Are A Lot Smarter Than Politicians Think

Excerpt Of The Day: Proof That The American People Are A Lot Smarter Than Politicians Think

“There’s a simple reason the immigration bill being debated by the U.S. Senate is unpopular with voters–the general public doesn’t believe it will reduce illegal immigration. And, in the minds of most voters, that’s what immigration reform is all about.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 16% of American voters believe illegal immigration will decline if the Senate bill is passed. Seventy-four percent (74%) disagree. That figure includes 41% who believe the Senate bill will actually lead to an increase in illegal immigration.

If voters had a chance to improve the legislation, 75% would “make changes to increase border security measures and reduce illegal immigration.” Just 29% would” make it easier for illegal immigrants to stay in the country and eventually become citizens.”

Voters who believe that the current bill will succeed in reducing illegal immigration favor its passage by a 51% to 31% margin. Those who believe the bill will lead to even more illegal immigration oppose its passage by a 70% to 12% margin.” — Rasmussen Polling

Hat tip to Hot Air for the story.

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