“God” Replaced With “Peace” In Pledge of Allegiance at Madison, Wisconsin High School

by Dustin Siggins | April 27, 2014 8:33 pm

Well, this[1] is an interesting story, assuming what the family shared is accurate:

Just last month, Samantha Murphy, a brave high school junior at Madison East High School, emailed me. In her freshman year, Madison East did not offer the Pledge every morning. Her family decided to talk to the principal and school board, reminding them that it is a state law to offer the Pledge every day. They pointed out Wisconsin State Statute Chapter 118, Section 6[2], which states “Every public school shall offer the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem in grades one to 12 each school day.”

After months of waiting and deciding if her family should go public with her school district’s unlawfulness and lack of patriotism, her school board finally obliged and started to offer the Pledge of Allegiance daily.

Samantha told me: “this went on without issue from around January of 2013 until March 4th, 2014.” On March 4th, Samantha says her school began to remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, and added that they thought they were “above the law.” On the first day of revision, they took out the entire line “one nation under God.” The next day, they merely skipped the words “under God.” On the third day, Thursday March 6th, 2014, they replaced the word “God” with “peace.”

When it comes to saying the Pledge of Allegiance, I’m not sure where I stand on whether schools should say it or not. A student can choose to not say it, of course, though that student may be singled out for peer pressure, bullying, etc. Furthermore, “under God” was added in 1954 as propaganda against the USSR and other communists, and I’m not sure how much I want government officials propagandizing our kids.

But I’m not sure how a school is setting a good example to students by breaking the law. Though I suppose these folks might argue they’re taking a stand against oversized government, much like Clive Bundy has.


The 25 Most Motivational Quotes Of All Time[3]

  1. this: http://www.redstate.com/diary/benjibacker/2014/04/25/god-replaced-peace-pledge-allegiance-madison-wisconsin-high-school/
  2. Wisconsin State Statute Chapter 118, Section 6: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/118/06
  3. The 25 Most Motivational Quotes Of All Time: https://rightwingnews1.wpenginepowered.com/quotes/67625/

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/uncategorized/god-replaced-with-peace-in-pledge-of-allegiance-at-madison-wisconsin-high-school/