Guess Who?

Ready to play a little game? Good.

For the moment, I’m not going to tell you when this picture was taken, where I got it, whether the woman in it is famous or obscure, or any other details beyond the fact that the woman in the pic is conservative.

So, can you guess who she is? Take a shot at it in the comments section — but only one guess per person, no more.

When someone finally gets it right, I’ll post this woman’s identity here on the main page.

Update #1: We have a winner!

“Right Thinking Girl?” — Don_cos

This is indeed a pic of Right Thinking Girl. Although it looks really old, it’s actually just a black and white photo taken a few years ago that was left in a box of pics where it accidentally got marked up. She’s planning to put up a few pics for her readers (Yes, I think there will be some more coming up at RTG) and she thought it might be funny to see if people could guess who it was. Since the game would have been given away if she’d put them up on RTG, she asked me to put one up and the rest is history.

Update #1: More pics are now up at Right Thinking Girl.

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