In My World: Attack of the Belgians Part III

by John Hawkins | June 30, 2003 10:09 am

In My World: Attack of the Belgians Part III By Frank J: (Part 1 is here[1] & Part 2 is here[2])

Rumsfeld smashed the reporter’s head into the podium. “That’s your head being smashed against wood,” he said. Rumsfeld then slammed the reporter’s head through a window, breaking the glass. “And that’s your head hitting against glass. Do you feel the difference?”

“Yes,” the reporter said weakly.

“Let’s continue to drive this point home,” Rumsfeld said. He smacked the reporter into the brick wall. “That’s your head against brick.” He grabbed another reporter and slammed both their heads together. “That’s skull against skull. Feel the difference?”

“I don’t feel much of anything anymore.”

Rumsfeld dropped his victim. “Then I think I’m finished making my point. See, while all those things seemed similar in that your head was getting smashed against something, they were different too. In the same way, Iraq is different than Vietnam, but it was an interesting analogy you tried to make. Any other questions?”


  1. here:
  2. here:
  3. continued…: category.php?ent=1084

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