Liberal Principles And A Kid’s Baseball League

Something about this story really rubs me the wrong way,

A Connecticut youth baseball team with a phenomenal 9-year-old pitcher has been disqualified because its team is too good.

The team, Will Power Fitness, has an 8-0 record thanks in large part to pitcher Jericho Scott, the New Haven Register reports. His pitching is so fast and accurate, the Liga Juvenil De Baseball De New Haven asked the team’s coach, Wilfred Vidro, to replace him so he wouldn’t frighten other players.

The spirit of the league was community, family, well-being, nurturing,” Peter Noble, the league’s attorney, told the Register. “It’s an extended family and it’s been disrupted.”

On Saturday, Jericho and his team showed up to the ballfield despite the fact the league canceled the game because they feared an “unhealthy environment” due to parental bickering, Noble told the paper. Jericho’s parents, Nicole and Leroy, planned to meet with an attorney on Monday.

The Scotts said the league — which is not affiliated with the Little League — wanted Jericho to play for a stronger team. The parents and the coach claim the reason is because that team is sponsored by a local barbershop where the league’s president currently cuts hair, the paper reported.

There’s nothing new about this sort of thing. In fact, when I was a kid playing Pee-Wee football, we had another child that they moved up to an older division just because he was so much bigger than the rest of us.

Still, there’s something just so 1984 about disqualifying a team because it’s “too good.” It’s sick and wrong that liberal ideas about punishing excellence and successful people being mere winners of life’s lottery, has filtered all the way down to baseball games being played by nine year olds.

In this country, we should be rewarding excellence and heaping honors on successful people, not trying to hide their abilities to make other people feel better about themselves. That’s how you make a better life and a better country, by lifting people up, not trying to shove exceptional people down to make everyone else feel better about not measuring up.

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