My 31 Favorite Editorial Columnists

Just for the heck of it, here are my 31 favorite editorial columnists in order.

31) George Will
30) Larry Elder
29) Michael Ledeen
28) Peggy Noonan
27) Johnathan Last
26) Daniel Pipes
25) Charles Krauthammer
24) Rich Lowry
23) Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder
22) John Leo
21) David Limbaugh
20) Heather Mac Donald
19) Neil Boortz
18) Bill O’Reilly
17) Larry Miller
16) Andrew Sullivan
15) Bob Novak
14) Michelle Malkin
13) David Warren
12) Mona Charen
11) Thomas Sowell
10) Neil Cavuto
9) John Podhoretz
8) David Horowitz
7) Walter Williams
6) Dick Morris
5) Ann Coulter
4) James Lileks
3) Victor Davis Hanson
2) Jonah Goldberg
1) Mark Steyn

Do keep in mind that these sorts of lists change — sometimes quite a bit — over time. Also, this was originally going to be my fave 30 columnists, but someone mentioned Peggy Noonan and after thinking about it, I thought she deserved to make the list.

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