NYC’s New Mayor Condemns Horses to Slaughter With Ban on Horse Drawn Carriages

NYC’s New Mayor Condemns Horses to Slaughter With Ban on Horse Drawn Carriages

New York’s latest progressive mayor isn’t wasting any time in using force against his subjects. : He’s vowed to destroy the horse drawn carriage industry in the city:

From the streets of New York to an Elmer's glue stick. Nice work, liberals.

From the streets of New York to an Elmer’s glue stick. Nice work, liberals.


Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio vowed to act quickly to abolish horse-drawn carriages in the city.

“We are going to get rid of the horse carriages. Period,” de Blasio said in response to a question at his press conference announcing his schools chancellor pick Monday.

“It’s over,” he said.

This is in order to appease the animal rights groups who support his administration. : And much like the so-called animal rights group PETA, this will result in the wide spread slaughter of animals, in this case, horses:

The: Daily News: reported: in October that if funds for the horses’ retirement are not raised, the roughly 200 animals could face slaughter.

Hat Tip: : American Glob

See also: : Enquirer: Michelle Obama Looking to Divorce Barack

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