Talk Radio Weekly Recap: April 12-16

My all NEW Talk Radio Watch column is now up! Check out FREE audio and webcam highlights from the week in conservative talk radio: Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and more.

Here’s what happened after my deadline:

Rush Limbaugh and Bill Clinton are going at it again, over who’s to blame for Timothy McVeigh. And as for the current POTUS, Rush isn’t too amused by him either:

On a related note, Mark Levin carefully listed all the tax increases Obama has imposed on “un-thankful” Americans. (Audio)

Speaking of lists: Michael Savage offered a litany of “white male inventions.” (Audio)

Glenn Beck‘s producer Stu explained Beck’s definition of “social justice” in a Washington Post editorial. According to Forbes, Beck will soon be helping others replicate his multi-media success.

(Kathy Shaidle blogs at FiveFeetOfFury, now in its 10th year.)

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