Update From CPAC: 11:43 Wed

So last night, I got together with a bunch of bloggers and grabbed sushi and then headed back to the bar. I don’t drink, but I hung out and talked for 2 hours before heading back to my room to finish my column and prep a Barack Obama video I am going to try to work on.

Fun night.

This morning? Not so much.

First off, I realize that I forgot to pack (I always forget something) a razor. Shaving creme I have, but a razor? No. So, I order a razor. Anyway, I get dressed and head down to the media desk.

I check in and then they tell us to wait so they can take us down all in one group through a metal detector. Incidentally, right behind me in line was Jerome Corsi, who probably wanted to murder me because I have insulted him 4 million times. After I checked in, I was going to still be polite and say “Hi,” but understandably he walked off instead.

Anyway, I finally get tired of waiting around in this mob of 25 press people and ask — for a 2nd time about going down — and it’s like, you’re on blogger’s row, you can just go ahead and head out. Gah!

Then I get on blogger’s row and ah — not to complain, wait, I do want to complain — the set-up sucks. There’s not even close to enough space. When all the bloggers get here we’ll be elbowing each other in the face every time we try to move. They also promised us TVs so we could see what’s going on. They gave us 1 TV on the far end of two long tables. I can’t even hear it from here. Supposedly, they’re coming.

So, ironically, I am here at CPAC and it’s entirely possible you may be seeing more of the events than I am. Anyway, I am going to roam around.

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