LIBERALS Want God OUT Of The White House, President Trump Just Made It VERY Clear – HE STAYS! [WATCH]

LIBERALS Want God OUT Of The White House, President Trump Just Made It VERY Clear – HE STAYS! [WATCH]

A number of so-called journalists out there wonder why President Trump likes the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). It’s probably because they tell the truth and don’t distort what he says to them here. Take for instance an interview about five weeks ago where Trump spoke about his faith. He emphasized the point that he prays frequently and that he believes God is part of the Presidency and he tries to live by Christian principles. Now, I don’t agree with some of what he is pushing on RINOcare, but having God to guide you is never a bad thing. In fact, in the end it may actually guide the President to do the right thing. I do believe in miracles.

For the first time in many years, religious conservatives seem to have a voice in the White House. That certainly wasn’t the case under Barack Obama, unless you were a Muslim. The people who filled the pews of St. John’s Episcopal Church for a private service on the morning of the inauguration were a testament to the ascendancy of the religious right in Donald Trump’s Washington: James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family; Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council; and James Robison, the Christian television preacher. That’s a very good thing any way you slice it in my book.


From CBN News:


DAVID BRODY: “Let me switch gears. You know, it wouldn’t be an interview between us if I didn’t ask a ‘God question,’ if you will. How has that spiritual journey been for you? Especially being here and knowing the gravity of the office. Do you feel the need to pray more? Where are you on that?”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ve always felt the need to pray. And you know that…So, I would say that the office is so powerful that you need God even more, because your decisions are no longer gee, I’m going to build a building in New York, or I’m going to do this. These are questions of massive life and death, even with regard to health care. You know we’re working very hard on health care. But there, you’re talking about life and death and you’re talking about better lives. People living better because they have better health care at a lower price, which we’re working very hard on. So yes, you realize these decisions are all so important. There’s almost not a decision that you make when you’re sitting in this position that isn’t a really life-altering position. So God comes in even more so.”

I believe that President Trump is indeed turning more and more to God these days. “I would say that the office is so powerful that you need God even more,” Trump told The Brody File. “There’s almost not a decision that you make when you’re sitting in this position that isn’t a really life-altering position. So God comes in even more so.” How can you hold that much power and responsibility and be a Christian and not be humble and brought to your knees before God over it? I know I would be.

Trump has his faults and as a close friend told me, he’s an imperfect vessel. But perhaps this is what is needed for an imperfect nation. I don’t know. All I know is that liberals are beside themselves because a sitting President would dare to proclaim he’s a Christian and that God is once again front and center in the White House. Trump says God stays, liberals and the media, not so much.

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is an editor and writer for Right Wing News. She owns and blogs at She is a Constitutional Conservative and NoisyRoom focuses on political and national issues of interest to the American public. Terresa is the editor at Trevor Loudon's site, New Zeal - She also does research at You can email Terresa here. NoisyRoom can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.

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