Ohio: Sen. Sherrod Brown is Stifling Big Government’s Best Friend

by Warner Todd Huston | October 24, 2012 1:26 pm

Hey, Ohio, Senator Sherrod Brown is just not working[1]. He’s one of the most extreme, left-wing Senators in Washington and his constant rubber stamping of Obama’s worst, big government boondoggles is hurting the Buckeye State’s economy, not to mention the country.

I have to say, that ad is pretty funny.

Senator Brown has been awarded the dubious distinction of being the most liberal Senator in the nation[2]. Even the left-leaning National Journal[3] said that Brown is on a “liberal crusade.”

Ohio is known as a classic swing state so its generally conservative ideals are a bad fit with those of the most liberal Senator in the nation.

Some of Sherrod Brown’s worst hits:

That isn’t all. Brown was — ahem — lucky enough that a video that showed him praising the criminal enterprise called ACORN[4] somehow was mysteriously blocked from view of Brown’s constituents on YouTube as he made his last big push to win re-election.

Sherrod Brown’s just not getting the job done to restore Ohio’s economy and bring back jobs.

Check out www.SherrodBrownIsntWorking.com/[5] and you can help defeat this extremist.

  1. Senator Sherrod Brown is just not working: http://sherrodbrownisntworking.com/
  2. the most liberal Senator in the nation: http://www.freedomworksforamerica.org/posts/sherrod-brown-the-most-liberal-member-of-congress
  3. National Journal: http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/sherrod-brown-s-liberal-crusade-20121018?page=1
  4. video that showed him praising the criminal enterprise called ACORN: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/10/21/Brown-ACORN-video-disappears
  5. www.SherrodBrownIsntWorking.com/: http://sherrodbrownisntworking.com/

Source URL: https://rightwingnews.com/democrats/ohio-sen-sherrod-brown-is-stifling-big-governments-best-friend/