Stupak and Lessons Learned: Democrats Lie. Chronically

by Lori Ziganto | March 22, 2010 7:00 am


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The second lesson that should be learned is that there is no such thing as a Pro-Life Democrat. Partisanship and agendas[2] over-ride all. Thus, it should come as no surprise that Bart Stupak sold out for an Executive Order[3];:  a piece of paper that holds absolutely no merit, particularly when coming from arguably the most pro-abortion President[4] that we’ve ever had.

It’s no surprise because Bart Stupak is Pro-Life only if you consider Pro-Life to mean Pro-Political Life, where one does whatever is politically expedient. Bart Stupak’s “hold-out” was pure kabuki theater. He’s not Pro-Life. He’s not a “Conservative Democrat”. There is no such thing. They are ideologically partisan to their very core. Everything is agenda driven and they will even stoop to using the unborn as an agenda and to their advantage, as they have for years.[5]

And then throw them under the figurative bus when they’ve served their political purpose.

Bart Stupak had no intention of voting No on the socialized medicine disguised as health care[6] “reform” bill. Here he is, caught on tape[7], admitting that federal funding of abortion is actually no big whoop to him in the grand scheme (operative word) of things:

“If everything I want [is] in the final bill, I like everything in the bill except you have public funding for abortion, and we had a chance to run our amendment and we lost. OK, I voted my conscience, stayed true to my principles, stayed true to the beliefs of this district, could I vote for healthcare? Yes I still could.”

Pro HIS political life. That’s it. It’s hard to “stay true to principles”, Stupak, when you have none.

I know this isn’t really shocking to many of us.:  I used Stupak:  to make a point last week[8], but I didn’t trust him as far as I can spit. And since I’m a lady, that isn’t very far at all. But, it may be shocking to some and that must change. People want to believe the best in others, but in these cases and in these times, there is real danger in blissful ignorance.

Learn that lesson, America. Starting with Stupak.

(originally posted at NewsReal[9] and cross-posted at RedState)[10]

  1. [Image]:
  2. and agendas:
  3. sold out for an Executive Order:
  4. pro-abortion President:
  5. as they have for years.:
  6. socialized medicine disguised as health care:
  7. caught on tape:
  8. used Stupak:  to make a point last week:
  9. originally posted at NewsReal:
  10. at RedState):

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